Monday, December 20, 2010

Shine On

J u l i a.
one name.
five letters.
a whole lotta personality.

Hi everyone. My name is Julia Suzanne Albright and this is my..............


I bet you're wondering what I'm like, well I will tell you!
If you didn't care, you're still going to hear anyways.\

My full name is Julia Suzanne Albright.
You can call me Julia or J-bug.
I have a twin sister, her name is Julie and her blog is called;
Julie Sparkles!
She does sparkle. Not like Edward Cullen, but like a disco ball. 
I am the lovely little age of 11, and I come from the year 1973.

Don't ask how I got here.
I just..... Did.

Julie looks almost exactly like me, same gorgeous long platinum blond hair, same chocolate brown eyes, same smile, except she has braces and I don't.

I have 9 sisters. Their names are Marisol Luna, Callie Monroe, Jess McConnell, Chrissa Maxwell, Charity Eastman, (but originally her cousin, Abbey Holland lived with us, but she moved back home) Sonali Matthews, Molly McIntire, Cindie Boswell, and Prudence Farrow.
Both Prudence and Chrissa have blogs, the links will be in the side if you want to check them out.

They are awesome bloggers.
Check them blogs out.

I go to the best school in the history of the world, AGPPA. That stands for Apples go party past America!
Just kidding, it stands for American Girls of the Past and Present Academy.
It used to be an all girls school, but after the neighboring all boys school, Milton Prep, got torn down, the two school's merged.
We keep the names, but now it could be called American Guys/Girls of the Past and Present Academy.

What makes it so special?

Everyone is just so nice, well everyone in GENERAL is so nice. There are a few exceptions.
Like Karen Stanford.

Gosh, I hate her. She is so mean! Not only to me, but my sisters, Julie, and even James!

Sorry for all that violence, she can get hit by a bus and live, but never go to AGPPA again.

Another reason why AGPPA is amazing is because of the classes. I mean, any NORMAL school has the boring classes like "Math" "English" "History" and all that. True, AGPPA has that, but not in a normal way!

Take my English class for example.
My teacher, Mrs. Hodge, is AMAZING! She takes boring stuff, like for instance, learning about verbs, and she makes them EXCITING! Like if you say "swim" she takes us to a pool!

Speaking of Mrs. Hodge, she is the director of AGPPA's Chorus or Glee Club, which my sisters Chrissa, Molly, Callie, and Prudence all are in. Also Julie's sister Lizzie is in there too!
That brings me to another thing...

One word;

Glee Club, Science Club, Ballet Club, Sewing Club, Drama Club, you name it, AGPPA's got it.

What am I in?
Well, not to brag or anything, but I am in...........


Nope, not a thing. They are all amazing clubs and all but,
I can't sing, act, dance, or dissect something, and needles give me the creeps.

So what do I do in my spare time?
Well, I am a comedian.

Yup, I love to make people laugh, and hopefully you have either smiled or chuckled at something in this post.
If you haven't.....


My friends and family say I am good, which is why sometimes I compete in Comedy Contests.
The best I have ever finished as is 2nd. Which is good, but not amazing.

Well, I have to go. Marisol, the 'head-doll' of the house, is calling me down for dinner.
Hold you horses, Mari. I'm coming down. The food isn't running away.

I hope you liked my first post and like my future posts!

Shine On!


  1. I love this Freakin post!! haha! Welcome to the blogging worl sista! And I do SPARKLE! thanks for saying I do! lol I loved the whole but not like Edward cullen! hehe funny stuff! I algued at a bunch of stuff in this post! I think you are going to become, or if you already are, a wonderful blogger! See ya later Sista

    ~Julie (P.s. this chicks sister! Duhh)

  2. Love your blog so far! Please follow our blog, it's Thanks! Hannah
